
A Growing and Evolving CEO

by Henry Glickel | Category: Book Review

Posted on Wednesday April 10, 2024 at 07:44:13 AM

A CEO stands at the helm of an organization, steering its course and embodying its vision. Their role transcends mere leadership; it's about fostering a culture of growth and evolution. In today's dynamic business landscape, the importance of continuous adaptation and progress cannot be overstated. A CEO's commitment to growth isn't just about profits and expansion; it's about embracing change, nurturing innovation, and empowering their team to navigate uncertainties while seizing opportunities.  This month we’ve rounded up five books aimed at the CEO.  Their ability to evolve, learn, and pivot not only shapes the company's trajectory but also sets the tone for resilience and adaptability across the entire organization, fostering a culture that thrives in an ever-changing world. The 2-Day CEO Skylar Lewis Are...

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The Start of Something New

by Henry Glickel | Category: Book Review

Posted on Monday March 4, 2024 at 08:00:20 AM

Sometimes the hardest part is just starting.  Perhaps the weight of uncertainty and the lure of perfection has kept us rooted in hesitation.  However, every great journey, every monumental achievement, owes its start to that singular act of beginning. It's in the act of taking that first step of courage, pushing aside the fear of the unknown, that we discover our resilience and capacity for growth.  This month, take a listen to one of these books all about starting; starting from scratch, starting over, starting where you are.  Because within the chaos of a new beginning lies the transformative power to shape our destiny.  Happy reading! The Business BookDK A...

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Lasting Success

by Henry Glickel | Category: Book Review

Posted on Monday February 5, 2024 at 08:00:00 AM

February, the shortest month of the year, holds the key to transforming January's well-intentioned resolutions into lasting success. As the initial burst of New Year enthusiasm wanes, February serves as a crucial juncture in the pursuit of our goals. It's a time when commitment deepens, and determination solidifies. The resolutions made in January are often filled with ambition and optimism, but it's in February that we must summon the discipline and resilience to push through obstacles, maintain momentum, and lay the foundation for enduring success. It's a month to refine our strategies, adjust our course, and demonstrate that our resolutions are not mere wishes but unwavering commitments to personal growth and achievement.  Check out these 5 books aimed to help prepare you for lasting success.  Whether you have a 4 week goal or a 5 year plan, you are sure to glean a nugget of wisdom from these authors. Atomic Habits James Clear No...

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